Momodora reverie under the moonlight bosses
Momodora reverie under the moonlight bosses

momodora reverie under the moonlight bosses

Even from full health, with as much health as we DO have, they can almost one shot us. These are basically just regular Bakblocks only gigantic, in every way.

momodora reverie under the moonlight bosses

They're basically just obstacles you can destroy, and they don't even give munny! Finally we've got the Big Bakblock.

momodora reverie under the moonlight bosses

We also have the Trapdoor Bakman! They spring out of the ceiling and walls, throwing little orb blasts. They're not that dangerous and actually fairly easy to tell if they're alive before they move (some even are paintings of Kaho) but they can still be tricky if other enemies are around. But yes, the new enemies! The living paintings aren't THAT big of a deal, but they're here and they're quite rude, slowing trying to run into you. From this point forward all enemy encounters are gonna be more of a unique mixture of old friends. This time we see the last three new enemies this area's got to offer, and really the last unique enemies in the game. Starting off today, we explore more of the royal art gallery. Zodi Plays: Momodora Reverie Under the Moonlight Lupiar That is the reason why people speedrun on this version instead of using the newer ones.It's time for some more Momodora again! Oh man! Version 038 and older: You can fight her properly, or you could avoid the fight by abusing the Twinkle Pendant. If you don't, you can always backtrack for the Love Letters. Since the fight takes place so late in the game, you should have more than enough health to deal with her.

momodora reverie under the moonlight bosses

You have to fight her the old fashioned way, but you can reuse the strategy you used against Eri the first time. Version 039 and newer: There isn't a trick you could do to skip this fight. She subsequently sends two small waves to both sides. Soon after, she swings her knife, like in the first fight, this time creating three Hadoukens instead of just one. Eri starts by jumping in the air, at the apex of her jump, she starts spinning in a place and throwing knives in all directions. This fight is harder than the first one especially since she doesn't hit her head and stun herself anymore. The fight takes place in an empty room on the right side of Rahart Hall. Attacking the knives sometimes makes them drop hearts, making it easier. This strategy is risky if you haven't collected any Love Letters, but it is possible. If done correctly, you should beat her quicker. When she prepares to dash, run back and jump over her and start mashing again. Right as the battle starts, you run right in front of her and mash the attack button. Now, you might think that a good way to beat her is to keep distance and only attack her only when she is stunned from headbutting the wall. After waking up, she swings her knife, creating a Hadouken-like wave and the cycle repeats. Following that, she dashes forwards and rams the opposing wall, leaving her dazed for a few seconds. The secondĬouple has one at 0° and the second at around 25°. The first pair has one at 0° and the second at approximately 5°. Eri starts by throwing two pairs of knives. Says the f-word and threatens to: ".beat you to a pulp!" The fight isn't that difficult. When you get to the middle of it, Eri runs in from the left side, expresses her shock in meeting with Momo. The room itself is spacious and has a flat floor made for the battle. The fight takes place in the first room of Milori Sanctum. The first time when entering Milori Sanctum and the second time after collecting the Twinkle Pendant in Rahart Hall. This article describes only the two boss fights in Momodora II for general info about the character and the character from Momodora Reverie Under the Moonlight see: EriĮri is a boss fought in Momodora II.

Momodora reverie under the moonlight bosses